Jumping rope into selfless service

Elevate your life with these seven steps.

Are you ready to jump into selfless service and elevate your life? As a fitness instructor, I know the power of training ourselves to create a better version of ourselves. But it's not just about physical fitness, it's also about mental and spiritual fitness. The Dharma teaches us that to be of greater service to others, we must first be in service to all beings. To truly be in service to others, we must first remove self-cherishing from our lives.

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And that's where jump rope training comes in. Jumping rope is a great way to focus your mind and remove self-doubt. The repetitive motion of jumping rope can be meditative, allowing you to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment. It also improves coordination, balance, and cardiovascular health. The first three steps of the seven-step instruction are all about removing self-cherishing from our lives. To jump rope can help with this by teaching us discipline and helping us to set goals. As we jump rope, we can set a goal for the number of jumps we want to complete or the amount of time we want to jump. By working towards and achieving these goals, we learn to overcome our self-doubt and focus on the task at hand.


The last four steps of the seven-step instruction are all about developing confidence in the teachings. Jump rope training can also help with this by teaching us resilience and perseverance. When we first start jumping rope, we may struggle and trip up. But with practice, we can improve and become more confident in our abilities. This translates to other areas of our lives as well, helping us to develop the confidence to take on new challenges and overcome obstacles.


In conclusion, if you want to jump into selfless service and elevate your life, try incorporating jump rope training into your routine. By removing self-cherishing and developing confidence in the teachings, you'll experience the physical and mental benefits of jump rope training, while also growing as a person. Jumping rope is a fun and accessible way to train your body and mind, so what are you waiting for? Jump into selfless service today.
